26 February 2022

5DE-VLOG 001 - Online Platform Work

Who are platform workers? what did the European Commission propose? and are there any controversies?

In December 2021, the European Commission released a proposal for a new Directive to protect platform workers. In this new edition of the 5-minutes Digital Economy Vlog, I address the following questions: 

1. Who are platform workers? 

2. What did the European Commission propose? 

3. Are there any controversies? 

Also: find some background resources below.


In the next edition of the vlog, I plan to talk about 'Algorithmic Management', so stay tuned ;-) 



Background resources on platform work

* The EC proposal: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_6605

* Delivery Platforms Europe study (on behalf of Bolt, Deliveroo, Delivery Hero, Uber and Wolt): https://copenhageneconomics.com/publication/study-of-the-value-of-flexible-work-for-local-delivery-couriers/ 

* ILO on platform work: https://www.ilo.org/global/docs/WCMS_776000/lang--en/index.htm 

* My 2 cents: https://www.bruegel.org/2021/12/an-inclusive-european-union-must-boost-gig-workers-rights/ 

Three good academic resources: 

* Kilhoffer, Z., De Groen, W. P., Lenaerts, K., Smits, I., Hauben, H., Waeyaert, W., ... & Robin-Olivier, S. (2019). Study to gather evidence on the working conditions of platform workers VT/2018/032 Final Report 13 December 2019.  http://aei.pitt.edu/102657/1/KE-01-20-054-EN-N.pdf 

* Urzì Brancati, M. C., Pesole, A., & Fernandez Macias, E. (2019). Digital Labour Platforms in Europe: Numbers, profiles, and employment status of platform workers (No. JRC117330). Joint Research Centre (Seville site). https://econpapers.repec.org/paper/iptiptwpa/jrc117330.htm 

* Vallas, S., & Schor, J. B. (2020). What do platforms do? Understanding the gig economy. Annual Review of Sociology, 46, 273-294.  https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/full/10.1146/annurev-soc-121919-054857 



Disclaimer: The vlog has an illustrative purpose and does not aim to provide the full legal details of the examined policy files. Mario Mariniello is the only one responsible for the content on vlog.  His views do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.


The Economics of Digital Markets from a European Union Perspective

Digital Economic Policy is a first-of-its-kind textbook covering all policy dimensions of the digital economy at the European level. It is a journey during which students may learn about telecom markets, the data economy, the digitization of the public sector, cybersecurity, the platform economy, liability for online content, e-commerce, the sharing economy, the impact of technology on labour markets, digital inequality, disinformation, and artificial intelligence.

The book's primary goal is to prepare students to give informed and economically sound advice to an EU policymaker for digital affairs.

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